Copyright for this blog of photo belongs solely to Kim Fuoco. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, and written permission of the photographer.
This is a old Oil Pump House, It pumped oil for years and years, and was very loud you could hear it pump all day and all night long..Boom Boom BOOM Boom Boom BOOM but now it is silence and empty. I would visit this place when I went to see my grandmother... How grand it all seemed them... LOL
I was playing with a photoshop action again, I just love this effect. You can get this action at it is a free one. But you need a program to run it.. it tells on the site which programs runs what..
Look At What The Cat Drug In.. So I drug it back outside and put him/her in some water while it rested.. then I had a photo shoot.. .Some one told me it looks like it's smiling with teeth. I like this eyes and that you can also see his toes in the water.
My husband found a stick on the dinning room floor this morning, When he picked it up it buzzed and he screamed like a girl... giggle.. So it was not a stick.. but this guy in the photo... I was delighted to have a captured pry to photography, so I set him on this bunch of flowers, I was in a hurry though, I had to be some where in a few mins.. so I only got a few shots.