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Copyright for this blog of photo belongs solely to Kim Fuoco. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, and written permission of the photographer.

Monday, January 31, 2011

365-28 Round Bales

I am starting to fall behind I have been taking the photos but I have not posted them yet..
Here is a wind blown field with large hay bales on the side of the road , I really liked the line of cat tails that followed a little stream that runs to the trees.

I redid this one.. I was not happy how dark the other one was. But I am not sure I like this any better.I will have to compare them for a few days.. I would love to hear your comments.  

Thursday, January 27, 2011

365-23,24,25,26,27 A Day With A Friend

 My good friend Sarah and I went out last week to shot some winter photos, it was pretty cold but we survived it.We found the ducks at the canal near a park.

 The above photo is a old drinking fountain.

A very large fungi, there were quite a few of these on the trees

We found a nice pair of blue space rockets.

I don't know what kind of tree this is, but it is interesting.

Some little pine cones, hanging high over our  heads.

365-22 More Fashion Shoot

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

365- 21&22 Bald Eagles

I have lived in NY state for 54 years and I have never seen a Bald Eagle in the wild.. So this was amazing for me and my friend to see these sitting on the lake in Canandaguia.. It was a terrible cold  gray day so it was hard to get a good photo  I was shooting with a 55-200 mm lens .But it was exciting to get this capture.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kim Fuoco's Photos: The joy of Snow

Kim Fuoco's Photos: The joy of Snow

Tamara Lackey Children Portrait Contest on facebook.

I took a class a few months back with Tamara Lackey, now there is a contest to win lighting from that class,
They ask us to tell all of .our friends  to vote on the photo I took, I submitted my granddaughter's photo.So please check out this link..and if you would please vote,,  Thank You.... Kim


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

365-20- Old Baby Sweater & The New.

I was at one of the gals site in this 365 days  group and she had the prettiest knitted sweater. So I decided to take my old sweater out of the closet that I  knitted 35 years ago.. wow... that makes me really old.. But I started my family really really young.:)   Oh by the way I made the doll too.   I have added the new little sweater I knitted this past month. It knitted up very fast..

Monday, January 17, 2011

365 - 18 .... Loving Heart .....

This is a photo I took last spring finally got around to play with it.,( Camera Nikon D90  S 1/1600 F/6.3  IOS 400  Lens 55.0-200  mode auto)   The fun part is I used a new action called Lucky to give the photo the milky look  when I find the link I will put it here. It has a lot of different options to change the looks.I really really like it..:) 

365-19 More of our photos shoot ( Mysterious Woman )

 For this shot we used the side of the frig for a background, We need to work on the placement of our hands.

365-18 Candandaguia outlet ( winter chill )

 Canandaugia Lake inlet.. The ducks where swimming around still. I hope to get back their next week to check things out, I love seeing all the geese and ducks.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

365-17 Wardrobe change

Ellanna--- a  little scarf makes for a whole new look...We took this photo in the bathroom using the shower curtain for a white back drop.  Then a pretty texture to brightening it up.   This was taken with my 50mm f1.8 I want to get a new lens .I am trying to decide which lens to get that is best for portraits. I would love to have your input.

365-16 Winter View

The angle you can see the houses and barns  in the distance. The bench is inviting but its way to cold to sit there. The wind is extra strong off the lake.

365-15 Taking A Stroll

The Geese will not let you get to close, They start waking away as soon as you get close. 

365- 14 Crisp And Cold

I went back to the lake today and took a bunch more photos, I found the lake is starting to freeze over and all the geese where down to the other end of the lake.

365-13 Friends Are Treasures

My daughter Kristen and her good friend Ellanna.We played around for hours taking different kinds of shots.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Joy of Love

the joy of LOVE

are you ready to get in on the JOY this february?

i’m super, super excited to announce the newest member of the willette JOY family….the JOY of love!
this FREE 28-day class is based on the other finding the joy classes.  did you read that…this class is entirely FREE!
this is my gift to all of you willette followers during the month of LOVE as we celebrate St. Valentine.
participants will receive daily email prompts/photo assignments with some tutorial/instruction built into the daily email lesson.  it is that easy.  i email you every morning, and you follow the assignment/prompt if you would like.  i will create a public flickr gallery where you can share if you so choose.
to sign up, please complete the following email sign up.  only those who sign up will be able to participate.  please use a valid email address.  i will NEVER share my email lists, so please do not worry about that.
sign up for {the JOY of LOVE} here: {the JOY of LOVE} (you will have to confirm your email address with a link that is sent to you)
i look forward to seeing all of you in class!
suggested class materials:
  • someone(s) you love
  • a camera
  • a desire to stretch your photographic skills
what you can expect from this willette JOY class:
  • a daily email during the month of february
  • the email will contain a photo idea and occasional tips
  • a public flickr gallery to share photos
  • an album template download at the end for all of your photos you take during the class
  • a journey to help you document your loved one(s) – whether it is a spouse, partner, child, pet, parent or friend 
class begins February 1, 2011 via email.  be sure to sign up HERE to be included on the JOY!
if you own a business or offer a product that you feel would benefit the joy LOVERS taking this class, and you are interested in sponsoring one of the daily email prompts or the class, please feel free to email me (kelly.willette@willettedesigns.com) for information on sponsorship rates and available levels of sponsorship.
share the LOVE for this class!  i (will)  have blog badge codes for you to share:
to use, just copy and paste the html code onto your blog

120 px:

Monday, January 10, 2011

365-12 Ducks a flight..

I spooked these ducks out of there hiding spot as I walked around the edge of the lake..

365-11 Flight

(S 1/640sec, Shutter priority F/14, ISO 640,  Focal length 80 mm)

365-10 Bird Watching

 It was a very cold day when I took this photo. But I was amazed  at how may geese  had landed on the lake and just sat around,  I had taken quite a few more shots try out a new filter ( Neutral Density 0.3 ) I was told it would  worked good in the snow.. The problem I had was the sun keep coming out and then going back under cloudy sky's.  I am not impressed with it so far.. But all my settings may be way off too.  Shutter setting was set high so I could catch them in flight.. But this photo I had brought it down a lot.   S 1/320sec , F/9,  ISO 200,  Lens 55.0 -200  I had a filter on this also..

365-9 Empty Docks

 Candandaguia lake on the pier. 2011
Nikon D 90 S 1/500  F/11  ISO 200  Lens 18.0- 105.0mm

365 - 8 Portrait

 My daughter had her friend come over this past weekend and spend some time with us, so we took lots of pictures. (Playing with Textures and Actions..) 
Nikon D90  shutter speed 1/50 , F/2.2, ISO500, Lens 50.0mm f/1.8 

Friday, January 7, 2011

365- 7 Mr. Snowman

Playing around with a few textures, I was trying to make him look primitive..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

365- 6 Pray

I hope that everyone that see this photo remembers to pray for our country .. We need to be praying,

365-5 Moon Rise Sunset

I was surprised tonight when I walked by my kitchen window and seen the moon and a sunset, I thought it was beautiful. I thought I had the camera setting on raw.. but to my surprise It was not.  I would of  like to have gotten the moon to be a little more clear. It looks much better on my monitor..

356-4 Emma with Teddy Bear

I was playing with this last night with more actions, but has no textures

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

365- 3 Ashlee with Teddybear

 Ashlee with Teddy Bear I am playing around with actions.
This looked so much better last night at 2:30 in the morning.. LOL 

Monday, January 3, 2011

365 - 3 -Problems

I am having problems with my browser.. now I cant upload anything new.. Can't get my goggle reader to load.. LOL so please forgive me for not making it to you and others sites...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

365-2 (2011 came in for a landing.)

 I am lucky to live where I do.. we have quite a few beautiful lakes near us one of my favorite places to go is the lake in Canandaguia in NYS, There are a lot of water bird at the Pier so its a fun place to go.. Everyday it's a  little different. 
 (Photo shot  with the Nikon D90  S 1/640  F/5.6  ISO 200  Lens 18.0 - 105.. Flash did not fire.)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

365*1 New Years Eve Sunset

   I love the colors I seen in this sunset last night, We live on top of  a hill so we can see the tops of all the trees below us. This view is right out my kitchen window.But I did go outside to get this shot.
Shutter 1/2500   Mode Aperture Priority F/4.5  ISO 400  Lens 55.0 -200mm