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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In the night and in the dark.

I Have lots to learn here ...
This is the first time I took a night picture. I was surprised how well it turned out.... but my water picture is not so good...


Prospero said...

Hi Kim. I just took my first night pictures this week (had to read the camera manual). I also just bought a cheap, kinda flimsy tripod.

Are you using a tripod?

Prospero said...

Kim, all you do to answer a comment here is post a message to your own blog!

I like Shelties, too. They are a bit bigger than Papillons. Angelina weighs 4 pounds, if you can believe it!

I'm still trying to get used to my tripod. I find that it's hard to get the picture level. I can only do 30 sec exposures with my camera, so that's a limitation for me.